Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tqm Doesnt Work Essays - Process Management, Quality Management

Tqm Doesn't Work While I agree that Quality improves organizations, businesses, and individuals, Total Quality Management (TQM) as a system for improvement loses its effectiveness based on the present culture, business methodologies, and globalization of markets. TQM has invaded countless industries and is a favorite buzz word of top executives and managers, TQM concepts are rarely fully implemented other than posters, memos, and press releases. While the basic concepts of TQM are inherently internal to each of us, the moniker of TQM continues to be an elusive goal that everyone in business loves to talk about but never successfully implements. This approach involves guaranteeing that an organization functions with a commitment to quality and continuous improvement in meeting its consumer's needs. With any type of change there will always be a number of bumps in the road which slow down the process that can help a company increase the workers morale, production, profits, and an over all positive environment to conduct business. The Culture: The culture of today is not ripe for change. Individuals, both managers and workers alike are impatient, expecting results over night. These unrealistic cultural expectations make implementing any quality system a challenge in itself. Consumers are tired of false promises and are impatient for immediate results and the best for less. As years pass, generations pass on the wisdom of the previous lessons learned in hopes that their mistakes can be prevented by passing on wisdom gained through experience. While lessons in business remain timeless, the goals and implementations are not always so apparent in their application based on changing environments and consumers. In todays society, a day rarely passes that has not been tainted with a slew of television infomercials which promise the impossible and go so far as to 100% guarantee results and or satisfaction. Todays individuals demand overnight express delivery or they are quick to change to an avenue that offers such ty pe of service. In a new world where internets make online global shopping lightning fast results must be immediate. Because we as a culture have become accustomed to having everything immediately, we are less likely to be patient enough or consistent enough to benefit from the concepts of TQM as outlined by Dr. Demings fourteen points. The TQM system is not one that lends itself to an overnight turn around. TQM is a gradual system that works to realign organizational cultures towards quality and process improvement. As managers do see the immediate value of such a system, they are always expecting immediate results and total commitment based on the fact that memos were published and distributed, meetings were held, and a newly formed TQM department circulated the newsletter. The culture of today does not want to commit to a system that doesnt offer overnight results. This culture wants results like its foodfast and low quality. Think of how the McDonalds slogan epitomizes the cultur e of todayover one million served. Business Methodologies: Today, methodologies around business focus on quick results and flawless quantifiable execution at the speed of light. Because methodologies are such, patient transition or goal transformation is not consistent with todays business norms. As the computer age has swept both housholds and businesses alike, the speed and accuracy at which millions of transistors and microcircuits operate dazzle scientists while ensuring the success of one business and marking the failure of another to keep up with the blazing pace that dominates the business world. If a business can quickly leverage its resources it can keep up with the pack, otherwise todays norms predict failure. Like the functions of a microchip, quantifiable standards have focused directly on the bottom line-profit. While TQM presents an indirect method of approching the same goal. Mathematics and Physics point to a direct approach, much like an accountant works to maximize profits by adjusting numbers and ca lculating. TQM also works against the more traditional business models with centralized leadership under where an elite group directs and organizes all efforts for the masses to execute. In all cases TQM requires the organization to evaluate itself. Organization examination is often mentioned as the most critical element in the TQM process. With this technique utilized a company can measure all aspects of its output in

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