Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Smoking Cessation Program For New Zealand Smoke Free...

Smoking Cessation Program in New Zealand: Smoke-free 2025 Introduction Tobacco smoke is immensely harmful to one’s health. Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients, when this burned can generate 7,000 chemicals according to American Lung Association Many ad campaigns and literatures have been published on the detriments of smoking. Medical reports further shows that half of all long-term smokers will die from a smoking-related disease. This unhealthy practice must be addressed by the government to lessen the medical cost to treat the ill effects of smoking. Despite all available data available on smoking’s ill effects government has little success in reducing incidence of smoking. The New Zealand Government is currently addressing a smoking problem in the country. The government adopted the Smoke-free 2025 goal for New Zealand, in March 2011. This response was based on the recommendations of a landmark Parliamentary inquiry by the Maori Affairs select committee. The committee’s report was clear that the term ‘smoke-free’ was intended to communicate an aspirational goal and not a commitment to the banning of smoking altogether by 2025. On that basis, the Government agreed with the goal of reducing smoking prevalence and tobacco availability to minimal levels, thereby â€Å"making New Zealand essentially a smoke-free nation by 2025†, (MoH, 2015). It is important to have consistent information to help to monitor the progress toward this goal. The campaign in New Zealand for aShow MoreRelatedTobacco Smoke And Its Effects On Health1406 Words   |  6 PagesTobacco smoke is immensely harmful to one’s health. Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients, when this burned can generate 7,000 chemicals according to American Lung Association Many ad campaigns and literatures have been published on the detriments of smoking. Medical reports further shows that half of all long-term smokers will die from a smoking-related disease. This unhealthy practice must be addressed by the government to lessen the medical cost to treat the ill effects of smoking. DespiteRead MoreSmoking Cessation in New Zealand1626 Words   |  6 PagesTITLE: SMOKING CESSATION IN NEW ZEALAND RATIONALE AND AIM The aim of my proposal is to give valuable information about smoking and smoking cessation in a presentation that could be helpful to teenagers and pregnant women who want to quit smoking. The presentation will use simple pictures and language to make it easy for everybody to learn about the harmful impact of smoking on health. Along with this, there are three key goals of tobacco control exercises: To lessen the use of smoking, to discontinueRead MoreThe Implications And Impact Of Tobacco Taxation Essay2024 Words   |  9 Pagesthe implications and impact of tobacco taxation increases on achieving the Smokefree 2025 goal in New Zealand. Firstly, I would review literatures about use of tobacco taxation around the world, the research methods and implications on smoking control. Secondly, I would carry out a survey about attitude and reaction of smokers and their families (potential smokers) for increasing tobacco taxation in New Zealand. Thirdly, in order to assess whether taxation will be an effective strategy associated

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