Monday, December 9, 2019

Presence of an Egocentric

Question: Discuss about the Presence of an Egocentric Employee at work place. Answer: Introduction In almost every organization in the world, there is that problem of an egocentric employee. The egocentric employee brings many inconveniences by somehow managing to ruin discussions that are work related, only to satisfy their ego of being heard, and viewing their ideas to be the most important than those brought forward by others. Such ego can bring corrosive damage to productivity at work place since it makes other employees to refrain from active participation thus limiting the number of creative ideas or solutions to a problem. However, there are several ways, which can help deal with egocentric employees. Such ways include. Rolling out procedures e.g. development of weekly reports, which target to subduing the effects of egocentric employees while at the same time improving workflow. The procedure would require that the egocentric employee is made the champion of the procedure by ensuring they develop there's as well as make sure others develop theirs so that even the rest can follow. This not only makes the egocentric employee a positive workforce but also ensures the procedure is followed and the employee is preoccupied, as they want to ensure the procedure is implemented and followed throughout the workplace. Another way is by clearing the report channels. Clearing of report channels involves ensuring the egocentric employee is regularly reporting to the immediate supervisor. On the other end, the employee is given a position of team leader. This makes sure the employee is kept on a tight rein especially when it comes to group work as such characters are good in ensuring cohesion among the staff. On the other hand, it ensures that the egocentric employee does not become too oppressive of others. This is because the employee will be keen to impress the immediate supervisor, regarding teamwork delivery, hence restrict their dominant behavior while at the same time motivate them to perform for approval. Rewarding good work is another way that a manager can deal with the problem of an egocentric employee. The rewards can range from rewarding the best team or employee with retreats to the recognition of these employees. Though this is a normal routine at the workplace, the action goes a long way in recognizing their efforts. These ensure that the employees whether egocentric or not feel that they are doing a good job from time to time. Moreover, the strategy curbs the ego and foster teamwork and productivity since the rewards are available to anyone. Also, ensuring that the egocentric employee is always busy will help a lot in dealing with the problem. These employees can be made busy by holding them responsible for several roles such as reconciling the accounts and preparing the financial statements as well as providing payrolls all by one person. Being busy keeps the employee focused, especially if they are used to distracting others with propagandas, which is usually given loudly. Managing to keep the loud mouth of the office busy ensures that they lack the spare time to distract other employees. The egocentric employee, therefore, is loaded with a lot of work, which makes more productive and less distractive. Conclusion The presence of an egocentric employee at work place is common these days. However, with the right kind of management and mentality, they can be a valuable asset to the organization. When the management can handle the egocentric employee to their advantage, the effects of such type of personality affects the rest of the employees, and this ensures increased productivity at work place. Managers, therefore, should implement the measure mentioned in this paper and in no time, the problem of an egocentric employee will be turned around into a valuable asset for the benefit of the organization.

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