Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Reaction paper - Essay Example Also, he was a decent understudy of Geography and I made sense of he would be helpful in giving ways utilizing a compass (Ruskin 9). My companion and I got lost somewhere inside one of the Indian timberlands. We were terrified for we didn't know of any assistance. We inadvertently ran over an antiquated pot that had Sanskrit works on it. I took it the pot since it would bring a decent cost at a traveler shop. Marlin recommended we follow a pathway and see where it would lead. In transit we saw deciduous trees that were concealing their leaves. Different trees looked like coniferous that the science instructor had revealed to us hold up under cones (Ruskin 22). Before long we were overwhelmed with hunger. We chose to make a camp to rest for the evening and proceed with the inquiry the next day. We attempted to make fire to warm ourselves however we proved unable. Therefore, we dozed in cold under the twilight. In the night, Marlin whined of processing issues which were an aftereffect of eating cold food. As though the processing issues were insufficient, a vermin rat bit him. I gave him emergency treatment and trusted he would be fine the next day (Ruskin 33). The following day, he was blossoming with certainty and looked sound. I said thanks to God. No sooner had we begun to stroll than we saw a gathering of Indian trackers. We gave them our story and they demonstrated us the route to the town. We were so cheerful for we knew, we would be protected finally (Ruskin

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Stuck in Neutral

Unfinished version of Stuck in Neutral Terry Trueman’s Stuck in Neutral is about a kid who has Cerebral Palsy but then loves his life. Shawn McDaniels has a ton of issues however he stays hopeful. His CP has left him completely impaired; he can't walk, talk, eat, or convey. In spite of the fact that Shawn recognizes that there is â€Å"Bad News† about his reality, he centers around the encouraging points throughout his life. Shawn cherishes his family profoundly and acknowledges individuals. Shawn finds the tangible universe of hearing, smell, taste, and internal life, which is loaded up with his recollections and incredible excursions of his seizures. Shawn is an extremely cherishing individual. Everybody can see this by how Shawn adores his family and acknowledges individuals. You can see this all through the book, similar to Cindy showing Shawn how to peruse. Due to Cindy, Shawn currently realizes how to peruse, and he now foul more in his general surroundings. He adores his dad on account of what he has accomplished for Shawn. He had Shawn go on a reasonable ride with him since he felt terrible for him, Shawn additionally acknowledges the sonnet that was made for Shawn and is presently an acclaimed sonnet (pg. 29), and in conclusion, Shawn has trust in his dad since they have twofold jointed thumbs and each time he sees Shawn, he would in every case first draw back his fingers. The explanation Shawn’s father does this is on the grounds that they share something for all intents and purpose and Shawn adores this uncommon association (pg. 52). In any case, ultimately Paul. Paul since he defended Shawn when he was getting assaulted by the hooligans. Shawn says, â€Å"I’ve never observed Paul like this, he resembles a monster† (pg. 94). These are the reasons why he cherishes his family the most. Shawn finds the tangible universe of hearing, smelling, taste, and contacting intriguing. Shawn has an unmistakable character. Shawn adores the site of the artworks that he has seen, the vibe of the wipe and water on his back when he is cleaning up, the sound a 1966 Portage Mustang and the flavor of smoked clams and chocolate pudding (pg. 84). He has consistently adored when his father’s arm was around him in the recreation center since he has expected that he may slaughter him, he has a sense of security and agreeable in his arms (pg. 98). He likewise recollects when he was at the science show that he can recall all the hints of the music that was playing there. He heard all the tunes and could recall them all from the tunes, songs, and orchestras. He has and will consistently recall the things that he has cherished. The character that separates Shawn from every other person is his internal character. Shawn adores his internal existence of memory and seizures. This is the thing that separates him from every other person. This is on the grounds that he thinks seizures are supernatural occurrences. Since it is the main thing that allows him to free (pg. 31-32). The delights of his seizures is the point at which he senses that he is free, taking off over Seattle and when he sees the various hues. He feels like that is his lone time that he feels typical. He feels typical in light of the fact that he can move like an ordinary individual and feel like an ordinary individual. He would sell his family and his companions just to keep his seizures. He would do anything just to keep his seizures. â€Å"I would even surrender my loved ones just to keep my seizures†, Shawn. In the book, Shawn faces a ton of deterrents throughout his life. In any case, at that point he had some great occasions, similar to his adoration for his family, his tangible universe of hearing, smell, taste, and contact, and his affection for his internal existence of memory and seizures. He doesn’t care that he has CP, he simply need to carry on with his life without limit. Everybody can gain from this since now we can say that we are fortunate to have a typical life and we can be thankful to not have issues with our body

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The PANDAS Hypothesis and Causes of OCD

The PANDAS Hypothesis and Causes of OCD OCD Causes Print The PANDAS Hypothesis and Causes of OCD By Naveed Saleh, MD, MS twitter linkedin Naveed Saleh, MD, MS, is a medical writer and editor covering new treatments and trending health news. Learn about our editorial policy Naveed Saleh, MD, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on November 26, 2019 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD on November 26, 2019 Getty Images More in OCD Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types Living With OCD Related Conditions It may sound improbable that strep throat can be a cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, for the first time, large-scale research coming out of Denmark seems to support this causal relationship. Background Bacteria are responsible for between 5 and 10 percent of sore throats. The most common bacterial agent responsible for sore throat is group A beta-hemolytic streptococci (GAS or “strep”). In 1998, researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIHM) observed that some children abruptly develop obsessive-compulsive disorder, tics, and other neuropsychiatric symptoms after being infected with GAS and other types of bacteria and viruses. These symptoms are rapid onset, and peak in intensity within 24 to 48 hours. Usually, OCD begins more gradually. Furthermore, the initial presentation of OCD can be hidden for months by a child secondary to anxiety or embarrassment about irrational worries and behaviors. In the beginning, the NIMH chose to focus its initial research efforts on the association between streptococcal infection and sore throat. They came up with a working hypothesis titled Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Infections or PANDAS. The PANDAS hypothesis describes how infection with GABS potentially causes OCD through an autoimmune process. The PANDAS hypothesis is controversial, and for years, there was limited support for it because all the studies examining the relationship between streptococcal infection, OCD, and tics involved only small numbers of participants. However, in a May 2017 issue of JAMA Psychiatry, Orlovska and co-authors detail a large study examining the link between GASâ€"as well as other types of infectionâ€"and OCD and tics. They looked at the records of more than one million Danish children spanning 17 years.         PANDAS Diagnosis There is no laboratory test that diagnoses PANDAS. Instead, a diagnosis of PANDAS is based on a detailed history and physical examination. Here are the five criteria used to diagnose PANDAS: Presence of either OCD, tic disorder, or both.The explosion in the onset of OCD, tics, or both that occurs abruptly and can wax and wane following subsequent streptococcal infections. Subsequent exacerbations similarly present with dramatic symptoms.Onset between 3 years and 11 years (the beginning of puberty). (This criterion is arbitrary, and adolescents can rarely be diagnosed with PANDAS.)Association with the sudden onset of symptoms suggestive of other neuropsychiatric illness, including concentration difficulties, general anxiety, bed-wetting, irritability, and developmental regression.A temporal association with a streptococcal infection needs to be established by either throat culture or blood tests (i.e., elevated anti-GAS antibody titers). Sydenham chorea, which also results in rapid, involuntary movements resembling tics, must also be ruled out to diagnose PANDAS. Like PANDAS, Sydenham chorea and, more generally, rheumatic fever have autoimmune underpinnings and occur secondary to  streptococcal infection. OCD in Children Differs From Adults How Does PANDAS Occur? Genetics, development, and immunity contribute to the development of PANDAS: First, certain children seem susceptible to PANDAS, and these children may share genetic similarities with those who experience rheumatic fever and Sydenham chorea.Second, PANDAS is developmental in nature because it usually affects children who have not yet experienced puberty, with the peak age being 6 or 7.Third, as with Syndenham chorea, those with PANDAS are hypothesized to develop antibodies that attack nerve cells in the brain. Streptococcal bacteria are a hardy and primeval organism that can mimic the cellular appearance of various body tissues to evade the body’s immune system.   When GABS mimic the appearance of brain cells, antibodies to brain tissue are thought to form. These antibodies end up attacking the basal ganglia, and instead of causing Sydenham chorea, result in OCD, tics, and so forth. PANS Diagnosis Because it is often hard to pinpoint an exact temporal relationship between strep infection and OCD or tics, in 2010, clinicians and researchers expanded the classification of PANDAS so that it falls under the umbrella of Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS). Instead of explicitly tying diagnosis to only streptococcal infection, PANS is more generally described by the abrupt onset of OCD and can be associated with nonstreptococcal infection, too, including influenza and varicella (chicken pox). Specifically, here are the diagnostic criteria for PANS: The abrupt and dramatic onset of OCDConcurrent presence of two additional neuropsychiatric symptoms similar to those seen in PANDASSymptoms which can’t be better explained by another neurological or motor disorder, such as Sydenham chorea, lupus, or Tourette disorder Notably, by formulating the PANS diagnosis, these clinicians and researchers hope to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of abrupt-onset OCD. The relationship between PANDAS and PANS is analogous to the relationship between melanoma and cancer. In other words, just like melanoma is a subset of cancer, PANDAS is a subset of PANS. Of note, a diagnosis of PANS is also based on a detailed history and physical exam. Early vs Late-Onset OCD New Research Orlovska and colleagues examined Danish patient records spanning 17 (1996 to 2013) years and representing 1,067,743 children (defined as fewer than 18 years old). This study is by far the highest-powered analysis of the PANDAS hypothesis to date, and results support fundamental elements of this hypothesis. Here is a more specific breakdown of the patient records: 519,821 girls547,922 boys638,265 children received a streptococcal test349,982 had at least one positive streptococcal test The researchers found that children with a positive strep test result were more likely to exhibit mental disordersâ€"in particular, OCD and ticâ€"compared with those children without a strep test. More specifically, children with a positive strep test had an 18 percent higher risk of developing any mental disorder, a 51 percent higher risk of developing OCD, and a 35 percent higher risk of developing tic disorders. The researchers also found that children who had a nonstreptococcal throat infection (i.e., negative streptococcal test) also were at increased risk for mental disorders, OCD, and tic disorders. However, the magnitude of this risk was lower than that for streptococcal infection. The researchers found that, as defined by PANDAS criteria, children between age 3 and 11 had the greatest increased risk of OCD and tic disorders. According to the researchers, the results of the study support the PANDAS hypothesis to some extent. With regards to nonstreptococcal infection, they write the following: Our findings that the risk of mental disorders is only slightly less elevated after a nonstreptococcal throat infection than after a streptococcal infection suggest that other, possibly viral, infectious agents are also linked with the development of OCD and tic disorders. This finding might instead support the recently proposed concept of pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome … Pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome offers an alternative to PANDAS with wider diagnostic criteria; it is primarily thought to be a postinfectious condition but without restriction to streptococcal infections. PANDAS Treatment and Prevention As described in Fegin and Cherry’s Textbook of Pediatric Diseases: This proposed disorder [PANDAS] is currently a hypothesis, and it remains a controversial topic. Several authors believe in this disorder as a separate entity and recommend treatment and prophylaxis. Others argue that it is only a hypothesis and that further evidence with double-blind studies is needed before recommending treatment and prevention for children given a diagnosis of PANDAS. In other words, some experts view PANDAS (and PANS) as conjecture. Others, however, consider PANDAS diagnosis and will treat it accordingly. Recommendations Of note, the NIMH does recommend certain treatment options for those who are thought to have the condition: Children with PANDAS-related obsessive-compulsive symptoms will benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and/or anti-obsessional medications. Studies show that the best results are produced from the combination of CBT and an SSRI medication (such as fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline, or paroxetine). Children with PANDAS appear to be unusually sensitive to the side-effects of SSRIs and other medications, so it is important to “START LOW AND GO SLOW!!” when using these medications. By starting children on low dosages of psychotropic medications, the number and severity of negative side effects are minimized. If a child ends up experiencing negative side effects while on medication, the dosage should be decreased immediately. Of note, psychotropic medications should not be stopped abruptly because doing so could be dangerous. Antibiotics The NIMH stresses that if the strep infection is still present, the best treatment for PANDAS is antibiotics, including amoxicillin, penicillin, azithromycin, and cephalosporins. With positive throat cultures, a single course of antibiotics should be sufficient. Other measures include replacing toothbrushes and testing family members for strep to limit the risk of re-infection. Based on a small number of case reports, some clinicians treat patients who demonstrate symptoms of PANDAS with antibiotics even when streptococcal tests are negative. This practice requires further investigation. Immune-based therapies, including plasma exchange (i.e., plasmapheresis) and intravenous immunoglobulin, have also shown been used to effectively treat symptoms related to PANDAS. Steroids Steroids have also been used to treat PANDAS. However, the results of steroid treatment are mixed, with only some reports of benefit and other reports of worsening tics. Furthermore, steroids should be used only for a short period of time because they can be dangerous when used long-term. Finally, patients with PANDAS who receive steroids can experience a rebound effect which results in PANDAS symptoms that are even worse than when the steroids were started. For these reasons, steroids are usually not recommended for treatment in children who have PANDAS. Of note, sometimes a brief treatment with steroids can help clinicians gauge which patients will be responsive to plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin. On a related note, the preceding treatment guidance primarily applies to PANDAS not PANS, because PANS is a newer diagnosis with no tested treatments. Nevertheless, if PANS appears to be triggered by an infectious agent, treatment of the infection may attenuate the symptoms of OCD and other neuropsychiatric symptoms. Additionally, treatments that work for PANDAS, such as immune-based therapies, as well as preventive strategies, may also be useful when treating symptoms related to PANS. In two small clinical trials, prophylactic treatment with antibioticsâ€"or treatment before the occurrence of streptococcal throat infection and PANDAS symptomsâ€"proved effective in preventing strep infections and reducing recurrences of PANDAS symptoms. Specifically, some children who previously experienced PANDAS-related symptoms several months a year experienced far fewer exacerbations once given prophylactic antibiotics. These children were treated with either penicillin or azithromycin. Analogously, treatment with prophylactic antibiotics has proven useful with other streptococcal sequelae that have autoimmune origins, such as rheumatic fever and Sydenham chorea thus providing further support for this intervention. Could Childhood OCD be an Autoimmune Disorder?

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Mccarthyism America s History - 1678 Words

McCarthyism has a lot to do with America s history, even still today examples of McCarthyism are seen in america . Most victims of mccarthyism are hollywood actors and famous people because they impact american society more than regular people. Famous people such as Helen Keller, Leonard Bernstein , Burl Ives, Pete Seeger, Artie Shaw, Zero Mostel, Charlie Chaplin, Langston Hughes, Orson Welles, and Dolores del Rio were blamed for supposedly being part of the communist party. But that was not all, there was also another 205 average people that were blamed for being a part of the communist party as well. McCarthy’s committee then started investigating the United States Army. His charges kept affecting more and more powerful people. McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. McCarthyism was used to make unfair allegations and using unfair investigative techniques in order to restrict dissent or political criticis m. McCarthyism was developed by Joseph McCarthy, the whole purpose of why he did it was to scare Americans in order to make them not want to be a communist. McCarthyism led to several people being accused of being part of the communist party all by people blaming them when they had no hard facts that they were even a part of communism. in the McCarthy trials more than three-hundred twenty people were falsely accused of being communists and in the Salem witch trials more than 100 people were falselyShow MoreRelatedAmerican Anticommunism During the Cold War Essay926 Words   |  4 PagesWar, America prepared itself for a period of peace. This peacetime was short-lived, as America’s tolerance for communism receded this issue became the forefront for American concern. 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Mccarthy Essay1354 Words   |  6 Pagesterrified of Communists and their potential ability to corrupt and overrun America. Senator McCarthy played on these fears, and he continued to claim communism had infiltrated every aspect of America; politics, culture and all of American society. Because of the similarity of events from the first Red Scare, this time period of the early fifties in America is often called the second Red Scare. The second Red Scare in America’s history actually began in the late forties, previous to McCarthy’s emergenceRead MoreComparing the Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism in America Essay607 Words   |  3 Pagesface in public during the time of the cold war in America. â€Å"McCarthy pursued unnecessary investigations, imprisonments and unprovoked acts to those who were being accused of being a communist†(Glitterrich). The term McCarthyism will forever be in American politics as a synonym for witch-hunt after making serious charges against public people in life. â€Å"Arthur Miller made the play called â€Å"The Crucible† during the 1950’s as a response to McCarthyism and the U.S. Governments blacklisted people.†(Blakesley)Read MoreAkshat Katoch. Mrs. Hollstein. Ap Lang. 16 March 2017.1643 Words   |  7 PagesThe history of the Soviet Union greatly contributed to this unjustified fear. During the nineteenth century, Karl Marx, a revolutionary socialist, wrote the â€Å"Communist Manifesto† which presented the idea of Communism. In this political ideal, property is publicly owned and workers are paid to extent of their abilities and needs. Nowhere does the theory state dictatorship or any type of totalitarian government. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Childhood Obesity is a Complex Issue - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1879 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/03/14 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Childhood Obesity Essay Obesity Essay Did you like this example? Abstract Childhood obesity is a complex issue within the United States which can lead to immediate health problems as well as future health complications. Childhood obesity is defined by the CDC as children having a BMI at or above the 95th percentile. The body mass index (BMI) is a measurement tool used to determine whether an individuals height and weight is within normal, overweight or obese and is calculated by dividing the individuals weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Childhood Obesity is a Complex Issue" essay for you Create order Because boys and girls vary in their body composition as they age, BMI for age is a more appropriate measure. BMI for age uses an age and sex specific percentile for BMI to determine the childs weight status (CDC). The prevalence of childhood obesity is increasing in the United States. According to CDC, childhood obesity has tripled since 1970 with Hispanics and non-Hispanic blacks having a higher obesity prevalence than non-Hispanic whites and non-Hispanic Asians having the lowest obesity prevalence. The prevalence of obesity in low- and middle-income groups are also higher as compared with the high-income groups. In addition, the CDC has found that there is evidence to illustrate the relationship of increasing level of education of the household head and the decrease in the prevalence of obesity. Certain risk factors, behaviors as well as the environment contributes to childhood obesity. These include consumption of high calorie, low nutrient diets such as sodas, pizzas and fast foods, sedentary lifestyle, and food deserts. Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic that requires immediate interventions. The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity has contributed to numerous health related complications. Childhood obesity is related to immediate and future poor health outcomes. Childhood obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases resulting from high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. According to the CDC, in addition to cardiovascular complications, children who are obese are also at increased risk of developing type II diabetes, asthma and sleep apnea, joint problems and musculoskeletal problems from the increased weight on the joints and bones as well as anxiety, depression and low self-esteem resulting from the stigma of being obese and the experience of bullying. Children who are obese may also develop obesity in adulthood which can increase the severity of risk factors and disease progression. Conducting this study allows for the examination of the impact of implementation of food programs on reducing childhood obesity. An intervention that is implemented by the government to help address this epidemic is the creation and implementation of the national school lunch program which provides students attending public schools access to free and reduced school meals. Because of the presence of food deserts in communities and the increasing cost of healthy food options in supermarkets, the implementation of free and reduced school meals hopes to provide free and reduced healthy meal options to children who do not have access to cheap, nutritious meals in their communities to help combat the increasing prevalence of obesity in childhood. According to Lill (2016), since the implementation of the school meal programs, more than 30 million students are now receiving free and reduced school meals. Additionally, students spend the majority of their time in school. Most of their diets are consumed in school therefore, school meals play a key role in influencing the students eating habits and food choices. According to research conducted by Haynes-Maslow et. al (2015), fifth graders who received free and reduced meals consumed fruits and vegetables three more times per week compared to fifth graders who do not participate in the free and reduced school meal program (p. 3). Utilizing the acronym PICO, this evidence-based practice project provides an educational intervention that will translate and apply to the science of nursing to the greater health care field to help reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity. The acronym stands for population (P), interventions (I), comparison of group or intervention (C) and outcomes (O). The population consists of school age children receiving free and reduced school meals. The intervention includes patient education about nutrition and resources such as free and reduced school meals. Comparing children receiving free and reduced meals to children not receiving free and reduced school meals allows for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program in reducing childhood obesity which would be the expected outcome. Pico allows this project to address the question, does consuming free and reduced school meals decrease childhood obesity? The project provides an educational intervention for parents of school aged children to address healthy food resources for their children to help decrease their childrens BMI, lowering their health risks associated with obesity. Educating parents about the available healthy resources which includes free and reduced school meals brings the parents and their children a step closer towards fighting the epidemic of childhood obesity. Educating the parents and children helps mitigate negative long-term health outcomes. Through education, parents and their children can become aware of healthier food options and healthy food choices. The study will provide an evidence-based strategy to illustrate improved health outcomes from healthy food choices. A theoretical foundation that guides this study is the family-centered practice which proposes that the involvement of the family plays a vital role in the healthy development of the child. Parents want their child to grow and develop healthy. Because the healthy development of the child is one of the major focus of the parents, their involvement allows for the successful achievement of a healthy lifestyle and diet for the child thereby reducing their childs risks for obesity and its negative health outcomes. There are several concepts that surround the theory of family-centered practice. Transparency is important in developing and establishing a trusting relationship with the family which contributes to the success of the study. Clear and explicit information about methods and procedures used in the study for example, provides a sense of researcher accountability and openness assisting in the active participation of the family in the research study. Collaboration plays an important role in addressing childhood obesity because the parents, the children, school administration and staff and the health care professionals have to work together to implement these programs to ensure its success. On studying the impact of free and reduced meals on childhood obesity, Johnson et. al (2016), conducted a study to evaluate the nutritional quality of foods that are chosen by students as they participate in the study. In assessing the nutritional quality of the food the students chose, the researchers calculated the monthly mean adequacy ratio which included calcium, vitamins A and C, iron, fiber and proteins and the energy density of the selected food. After the program, the study found that there was a significant improvement in the nutritional quality of foods chosen by the students, as measured by increased mean adequacy ratio from a mean of 58.7 prior to policy implementation to 75.6 after policy implementation and decreased energy density from a mean of 1.65 to 1.44 (Johnson et. al, 2016). Taber et. al (2013) also conducted a study to determine the effect of the national school lunch program on the weight status of the students. The study compared students receiving different school lunches and outcomes were obtained from the students BMI index percentile and obesity status. They found that in states that exceeded USDA standards, the difference in obesity prevalence between students who obtained free/reduced-price lunches and students who did not obtain school lunches was 12.3 percentage points smaller compared with states that did not exceed USDA standards (Taber et. al, 2013). Free and reduced school meals positively impact the food choices chosen by the students which equally impacts their weight and their BMI. Participants will compose of a purposive sample of forty-five to fifty elementary and middle school students from Montebello Elementary/Middle School. The sample will include students between the ages of seven through thirteen with a BMI at or above the 95th percentile who are attending a public school. Most reduced and free school meal programs are implemented in public elementary and middle schools. Targeting students with BMI at or above the 95th percentile will compare their progress as they participate in the study. Exclusion criteria will include homeschooled children, students with religious diet restrictions, students attending private schools and students with food allergies. Following a longitudinal study design, the parents and children will be observed for a whole year to determine food choices in school and outside of the school. The study will illustrate whether healthy school meals reflect food choices after school and during the summer in the absence of free and reduced meals. The study will begin with describing and defining childhood obesity which will include information about its prevalence, risks factors, contributing behaviors and health complications. A seven-question survey will be given prior to the study to assess the family and childs understanding of healthy food choices and resources as well as methods of reducing childhood obesity. The questions will address whether the child is involved in a free and reduced school meal program, family and childs satisfaction of the food choices offered in the school, compliance with healthy eating guidelines such as MyPlate, importance of a healthy diet in the childs immediate and future health and assessing the family and the childs perception of obesity. Data will be collected through personal family recorded videos to observe their day to day encounters as they become educated in the management of obesity as well as written food journals to record daily food intake. Free classes will also be offered to further educate the family and the child about healthy food options, reading nutritional labels and several other methods of addressing obesity. A survey similar to the survey given in the beginning of the program will be given at the end of the study to assess the family and childs progress and renewed understanding in managing obesity. The participants will be provided complete explanation of the study prior to the beginning of the study. They will be asked to sign an informed consent form to acknowledge their understanding and voluntary participation in the study. Confidentiality of the participants will be maintained. Each study involves certain risks. Participants will be informed of the minimal risks associated with the study. Data will be collected through the surveys, family video recordings and written food journals and will be analyzed based on the overall effect of the program on the child and the families food choices. One important question that will be answered and analyzed is the overall effect of free and reduced school meals on food choices made by the family and the child. Conclusion Another question that will be addressed will be whether the family and the child has learned about healthy food choices including reading nutrition labels, watching caloric intake and preparing healthy meals. Another question is whether the participants will be able to adhere to healthy eating and choosing healthier food options outside of school especially in the summer. Analyzing these questions and the responses from the study will allow for the review of the study to determine its limitations and its possible application for nursing practice as well as possible revisions for conducting future study to obtain better data and address the limitations within this study. Limitations that may be addressed in future studies can address the small sample size, various methods of data collection and data analysis.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Identity and Belonging of Interracial Children Free Essays

Author is going to discuss the topic of biracial/ interracial children in 21 century. It is very common topic at this stage as multiculturalism become more popular and spreading all around the globe. Multiculturalism is â€Å"global shifts of power, population and culture in the area of globalization and â€Å"post colonialism†, as nations around the world establish independence in the wake of the decline of Western empires. We will write a custom essay sample on Identity and Belonging of Interracial Children or any similar topic only for you Order Now Globalization transforms previously homogeneous cities or regions into complex meeting grounds for different ethnic, racial, religious, and national groups, challenging the political and cultural system to accommodate this diversity†(Jay 2010, pp 1). It’s simply means the moving and mixing of the people of different race and religion all around the world. Multiculturalism has its ups and downs. In some way it is good that all people are mixing as in economic way countries are getting stronger when more educated people coming into politics. The recognition that society’s becoming multiethnic is not just about economics, people have understand that a lot of difficulties concerning ethnicity, identity and race has become an issue (Modood 2007). Raising biracial children arose from our observation that while the multiracial population is increasing we are missing a systematic understanding of the self and social identity development process among mixed race children (Rockquemore and Laszloffy 2005). Identity is about the understandings people maintain in relation to who they are, and what is important to them. There are two types of identity: self and social identity. Social Identity refers to the characteristic given to individual by others. Self identity refers to someone who is different from others or as a unique individual. Individual identities play an important role in forming a mature and healthy personality (Marcia 1980). Biracial children have particular difficult time during adolescence, due in part to lack of a clearly defined social identity (McRoy and Freeman 1986). Children’s identity development is dependent on having a secure sense of who they are, where they come from, and how their families and communities accept them. The development for biracial children can be more complicated than those of single-race children. Biracial people develop a sense of identity on one of three ways. They can select one identity, a state called singular identity. They can develop a protean identity, where behavior and racial/ethnic identity varies by situation. Or they can decide not to be concerned with issues of racial / ethnic identity at all and take on a transcendent identity (Fisher and Lerner 2005). Biracial children are born from parents whose racial groups are different from each other. Children of dual heritage may have identity problems related to feelings of uncertainty surrounding their ethnicity. Biracial children in the midst of their identity formation, vulnerable as they continue to struggle in a culture that is still partially closed to them. Often interracial children can be negatively affected by feeling the pressure to take a single identity. Children are faced with problems that tend to produce reactions of guilt, insecurity, anxiety, and emotional instability. Biracial children would like to identify with both parents but find themselves torn between the loyalty they owe each parent. Since they cannot identity with both parents, the child feels resentment towards one or both parents while at the same time , they may feel guilty towards the parent with whom they do not identify (Clauss-Ehlers 2009). Children learn about race true their interaction with others. Major influence on development of identity has parents, teachers and social groups. Within the context of these interactions, they come to understand who they are in this world. Wardle (1989) says that today, parents assume one of three positions as to the identity of their interracial children. Some insist that their child is above all and that race or ethnicity is irrelevant, while others choose to raise their children with the identity of the parent of color. Another growing group of parents is insisting that the child have the ethnic, racial, cultural and genetic heritage of both parents. Biracial children pass through a series of stages in developing their sense of racial/ethnic identity. These stages are simply the development milestones that all children pass through, including color differentiation, racial awareness, self-and race awareness and personal evaluation (Johnson, 1992). Their sense of identity is also shaped by existing social categories that to some extent limit the perception of options that are available for racial definition. For example if child is half Afro-American and half Asian, if he or she has dark skin and have more look likes as African in the social world they will be accepted as African American , even thought child would consider different option. Tiger Woods is excellent example of it. When he was asked if it bothered him, the only child of a black America father and Thai mother, to be labeled African American. He answered ‘yes’. Woods created acronym â€Å"Cablunacian†, to reflect the fact that he is actually one eight Caucasian, one fourth black, one eight American Indian, and one half Asian (Rockquemore and Laszloffy 2005). All children form interracial marriages encounter problems identifying themselves and preserving their cultural heritage (Kerwin et al. 1993). Especially in adolescence time when children starts to identify who they are and where they belong to. It is very hard for them to identify them self’s because society tends to put people into convenient categories but biracial individuals do not belong to one. When growing up children might feel like second class individuals and be rejected. According to Wardle (1989), experts do not agree as to what the biracial child identity should be. Some believe an interracial child should have the identity of the parent of color because historically that has been the case, and also because society these children as having the identity of the parent of color. However, others have argued that the identity of any child is based on an accurate presentation of his or her true background. Life can be hard for biracial children as they are sometimes pegged as not â€Å"black† enough to hang with black kids, or not â€Å"white† enough to hang with the white children. So they are stuck between a rock a hard place struggling to fit into a particular click. Fitting in is very important during this age their self esteem can be severely crippled if they don’t find a group of friends they can relate with. Although now, society tends to more accept interracial individuals as they become more familiar with them and its becoming more and more common(Rockquemore and Laszloffy 2005). One more problem which family face is raising multi-racial child with religion. It is common that different religions are mixing, but this can lead to a lot of problems. Two marred individuals with different religion views might not experience any problems between them self’s but it is very important to raise child without any pressure. In bi-racial homes, it is prudent to celebrate festivals of both the partners. Both should try to understand the religion of the other and allow him or her to celebrate as per belief. The child should also be encouraged to learn both the religions and cultures and should be allowed to select between the two and to follow whatever he/she is comfortable with. Ethnicity and identity issues are not new to us, it is been around for many years and for as long as we live, we have to deal with these matters. There will forever be differences between us since we are born in different families, cultures, countries and different continents. Mixed race children face challenges. Research indicates that biracial children embrace all the components of their heritage. Parents play a very important role in the child identity level because they spend most of their time with their children. Therefore, it is very important to provide biracial children positive role models. In a community where biculturalism is accepted, children do not experience any difficulties in growing up (Ladner 1984). Especially now day’s people have to understand and accept the fact that population of multicultural individuals is increasing. How to cite Identity and Belonging of Interracial Children, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Procurement Report Computing - Engineering and Mathematics

Question: Discuss about the Environmental Analysis of Wesfarmers Companys. Answer: Introduction Wesfarmers was founded in June of 1914 as famers co-operative with the leading function for stipulation of services as well as agricultural products to the countryside local community of the western Australians. The wesfarmers began the path to the diversification back in 1950s with the pioneered plan of disseminating the liquefied petroleum fuel (Da Silva, 2012). It and then extended to glide into the fertilizer manufacturing as well as syndication in 1994 , coal exploration in 1989 , unveiled the insurance business venture in 1991 , hardware as well as forest merchandise in 1994 , industrialized as well as the safety merchandise in 2001 also got in retail conglomerate in 2008 . In this period to permeate many versatile areas, there was clearly transformation in relation to the size and shape of the operation of the enterprise by way of the strategic acquisitions as well as divestments (Kenny, 2013). The organization has currently turn out to be the major public corporation in sever al business activities which include retail store , insurance coverage , commercial as well as energy with as many as 33 brands that are there in Australia . At present the organization employs over 200, 000 people across Australia and New Zealand and display four hundred thousand shareholders (Da Silva, 2012). The organization is now recognized for their focus in the supply valuable to the shareholders as well as progression of relationship of confidence, loyalty as well as the commitment. The organization business is extremely diversified that vary from liquor to supermarket to coal. In the recent past, the wesfarmers organization acquired Coles as a retail division. Coles is a sizable organization, which has over one hundred and sixty thousand individuals who take part in it. This plan struck in 2007, which is a landmark deal as it offers scope for the exceptional control over the marketplace by the wesfarmers (Featherstone, 2009). The plan was properly displayed with all of the financial as well as shareholding control under dialogue. The describing over the package is beneficial in the direction of determing the nature of the relationship, which the organization as well as the clients are savoring. The external environment contains the outside influences on the business. They can be political, economic, sociable as well as ethnic naturally. To keep the Wesfarmers at the primary Focus, the competitive environment, and the remote environment to the external peripheries, a research report into the external environment of the Wesfarmers have been tested out (Featherstone, 2009). Nevertheless , the study has covered on the competitive environment which is mainly steered by Competitors , customers , vendors , workers , supervisors , affiliates of the board , monetary , community , ecological environment as well as the society generally . The study also will address the SWOT assessment. It is essential to note that not all these aspects should be segregated and they often positioned to be overlapping naturally. SwotAnalysis On the SWOT, analysis of the Wesfarmers provides a strategic analysis of the company business and the operations. The summary is done on a table, which represents the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strength 1. The company emphasis on the community development initiative 2. It delivers on the convenience and customer service (Kenny, 2013). 3. The company keeps on the importance to quality and the performance. 4. It offers special discounts in order to attract the customers. 5. The company has large number of stores, in-store staff and a workforce that is strong over two hundred thousand. Weaknesses 1. The company being the market leader it is always under scrutiny for any decision they take. 2. The experiences is limited to Australia thus this means there is a low geographic presence. Opportunities 1. The company expand to outside of Australia. 2. The company enhances on quality, services and experience benchmark that is across the stores. 3. There is employees and the customers loyalty across the businesses. Threat 1. The company faces threats from the competitors. 2. When there is economic downturn it leads to plummeted consumer confidence levels, and a lower demand (Kenny, 2013). 3. The competitors to the company they also offer specialized products and the services at the same equitable prices. Internal Analysis On the internal analysis on the Wesfarmers Company, it will focus on the internal aspect that affect the market. Some of the concepts the report will focus on are; management talent, the resources and capabilities. Management Talent In the wesfarmers company, retaining talent has been the biggest challenge they are experiencing (Walsh, 2002). According to Managing Director of the company Richard Goyder, he elaborated that the company faces aspect of attracting, recognizing and retaining talent for the company. He further explained that these aspects is affecting the western Australia and the only way is to provide equality and diversity in the workplace which in turn will offer competitive advantage in order to attract talent over the other companies (Butera, 2011). Moreover, there is need to have quality of individuals that are employed in the organization. On the aspect of retaining and developing on the internal talent, the managers need to recognize the potential in employees better. They need to be better especially in selecting talent and having conversation with the people (Tilt, 2001). The company also need to have more women in senior management roles to help develop better the business. There is need t o diversify so that there is greater representation of gender in the business and more women are incorporated. Resources and Capabilities The resources of the company are grouped into various components. These resources are human example the skilled and creative employees. Wesfarmers Company has employed over two hundred thousand employees who have the experience to undertake various roles and functions. There are also various organizational capabilities that are embedded in the business in the routines, processes, and culture (Butera, 2011). Wesfarmers Company has ventured its business in various segment in Australian market like energy, insurance, chemical and fertilizers. The company has various advantages over the resource acquisition like reputation the company it enjoys, brand recognition that is well known by many household in Australia and New Zealand, and attractive locations. Furthermore, on the resource and capabilities, the company has identified a value chain of research and development whereby they have the ability to produce products that are innovative, they have the capability of basic research and the y have speed of development of new products. An example of this is in the mining of coal where the company has the best technology all over Australia and the world as compared to the competitors. External Analysis On the external analysis, it looks about the macro and the micro analysis of the company. The macro environment analysis is essentially the first step of the strategic analysis in which kicks of the traditional, and the strategic planning cycle. This analysis is referred to as the pest or the pestle analysis (Morgan, 2006). The purpose of the macro analysis is to identifying the possible opportunities and the threats, which will influence on the industry as a whole for the Wesfarmers Company and those aspects they can control in the industry. On the Pestel analysis is based on six macro environment factors these are economic, social, technological, environmental and the legal factors. Political Factors The Australia government formulated a legislative framework of the mining environmental, and the states governments can make different laws in their concrete situations. The exploitation is thus controlled by the state governments agreements. Moreover, the carbon tax law has been published as well. Therefore, the energy division and the resource business unit of the Wesfarmers Company has been influenced. The company also faced various political decisions such as a right for the buyers that may restrict monopolies in the markets. An example, of this is in the past where there had been several changes in the energy sector like the removal of the barriers to the interstate trade of electricity, which gave Wesfarmers Company opportunities to be able to expand to other states. Economic Factors The economy of Australia trend has a direct effect on to the consumption of the market since it depends on the buying power, which may directly affects on the GDP of the country. When there was a global financial crisis in 2009, the consumption behavior of the market was greatly influenced thus affecting on the disposable income of the households (Kenny, 2009). Since the acquisition of the group of Coles back in 2007, the GFC had hindered on its short-term growth. Moreover, the companys sales of their chemical and fertilizer division was greatly affected by the natural disasters and the climatic changes propositions. Sociological Factors In the culture of Australia, it is reasonable for a family to spend a lot on money on the household goods in the supermarket. Therefore, it is an opportunity for the Wesfarmers Company to make a lot of money from spending of different households on shopping ( Kroenert, 2010). Target and Kmart shopping Centre sell both clothes and electronic at a low price, thus, the consumers can have a one-stop shopping and this can increase on the revenue return of Wesfarmers Company. Technological Factors In Australia, it is usually among the best exploration nations on the globe. The state mines natural resources not to mention mining sector equally are greater than any country globally. Wesfarmers distinct business functions covers the exploration of the coal, energy, chemical substances and fertilizers that is an excellent technical basis as well as a significant assurance for the growth and development of this organization. Legal Factors Australian legal unit is sound, which includes labor law, the natural resources law, alongside a variety of business law. As a large enterprise, these regulations offer Wesfarmers organization management significant criteria. Environmental Factors The Australian government usually focus on the environmental protection. Environment is important for the Australia and related laws and department usually control air pollution (Kenny, 2009). Furthermore, the natural resources are also maintained in Australia. Micro Environmental Analysis The microenvironment factors are the immediate elements in the organization that affect the performance and decision making freedom. The factors that affect Wesfarmers Company are competitors, customers, and the suppliers. Suppliers The supply market mainly ascertains on the degree to which there exists efficient competition can be achieved by an organization. The bargaining capability of the supplier could be seen as an upheaval for the earnings of the organization, and the Wesfarmers Organization has been conscious of this information. The organization is thus attempting to have good contract with the merchants (Tilt, 2001). The management makes certain they take advantage of the agreement whilst the suppliers enjoys the contract together with them. Consequently, within this type of business there is certainly a restricted competition in the supply market. Competitors Wesfarmers company like any other company in business, it is facing many competitors of whom are offering the same specialized products and services that are equitable to the price levels. Some of these competitors are Myer, Woolworths, Safeway and Foodworks companies (Biddle, 2016). These companies are segmented in different sectors in the industry since Wesfarmers Company is a large business organization that competes in these segments. Customers Wesfarmers company customers are loyal to the company because the products they are offered are enhanced in quality, services are excellent and the company offers special discount to the customers in order to attract more of them (Da Silva Rosa, Meemeduma and Watson, 2006). The company across its variety stores in Australia offers variety of product thus offering the customer one stop to shop to the products they need in their households. Conclusion Wesfarmers Company is the largest retail conglomerate in Australia in that they have ventured in different market segments. They are ventures in mining, insurance, electronics, clothes, chemicals and fertilizers. The company has gained a wide market share, trough offering special discount on the products and services to attract more clients. Further, the company offers high quality products at a fair price than the competitors do. On this report, it has analyzed on the environmental analysis of the company. The focus has been the internal analysis and external analysis of the company. There was also a need to look at the SWOT analysis of the company to identify on the threats and opportunities to help the company tackle the threat and to take advantage of the opportunity. References Da Silva, M., 2012. A broad business challenge-Sustainable Company of the Year. Ethical Investor, (98), p.14. Da Silva Rosa, R., Meemeduma, N. and Watson, I., 2006. Wesfarmers: The challenges of pursuing shareholder value in a conglomerate. Working Paper UWA Business School. Biddle, I., 2016. The Wesfarmers/Woolworths duopoly war: The Bunnings vs. Masters battle. Busidate, 24(3), p.3. Butera, G., 2011. Research Guides: Harvard Citation Style: Company Information. Featherstone, T., 2009. Finding the light [Company boards are learning to deal with the global financial crisis.]. Company Director, 25(8), p.16. Kenny, G., 2009. Diversification strategy: How to grow a business by diversifying successfully. Kogan Page Publishers. Kenny, G., 2013. The stakeholder or the firm? Balancing the strategic framework. Journal of Business Strategy, 34(3), pp.33-40. Kroenert, T., 2010. Off-course Offsets. Inside Film: If, (137), p.28. Morgan, S., 2006. Blueprint for success [Profile of Richard Goyder, Managing Director and CEO of Wesfarmers.]. Management Today, (Oct 2006), p.6. Tilt, C.A., 2001. Environmental disclosure by Australian companies: what is happening outside the annual report. University of Adelaide. Walsh, R., 2002. Executive Material: Nine of Australia's Top CEOs in Conversation with Richard Walsh. Allen Unwin.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Trains Running (August Wilson) Essay Example For Students

Trains Running (August Wilson) Essay Trains Running (August Wilson) P.565MemphisThe owner of the diner is waiting for his chance to go back south, and he knows that they got two trains running every day. WolfA numbers runner who sometimes uses the diner as his office. RisaThe diners waitress and cook. HollowayA regular who speaks out against the constant oppression of African Americans. We will write a custom essay on Trains Running (August Wilson) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now SterlingJust released from jail, he needs to find a way to make a living. HamboneA man who stands up for what he believes he deserves. WestThe only wealthy man on stage owns the funeral home across the street. Two Trains Running, set in 1969, is August Wilsons most contemporary play to date. Like most of his plays, it unfolds in a single locationa diner in Pittsburgh. Memphis, the diners owner, is struggling to get a fair price from the city which is buying up the entire eighborhood for purposes of urban renewal. Memphis observation that the neighborhood has been emptied of its commercial and human activities gives an ironic and grim spin to urban renewal in particular and the progress of African Americans general. The play asks the question: In the midst of unemployment, death, and a white power structure allowing few alternative, where do you look for salvation. Do you turn to Christianity, as embodies in the wealthy but deceased Prophet Samuel, or do you return to an older African spirituality embodied by the impossibly aged Aunt Ester? Perhaps salvation lays with Malcolm X and the black power movement, or with Wolf and the numbers game of a white Mafia. A host of tragic figures inhabit the diner. Memphis struggle with the city is essential to his fate of returning south to get back the land cruel taken from his by white men. Sterlingjust out of prisonis stymied in his attempts to, by any means possible, support himself. Risa, the waitress, has scarred her legs in an attempt to escape the prison of physical beauty. Finally, perhaps a symbol of them all, is Hambone. Tens years ago he painted the grocers fence, but was paid a chicken when he felt he had earned a ham. Every day for ten years he has confronted the grocer, requesting and demanding his ham, until by now the only phrases he utters are I want my ham. and He gonna give me my ham. August Wilsons 1992 play Two Trains Running is, in effect, a kinder, gentler version of Spike Lees film Do the Right Thing. Both address racial tension between blacks and whites in the inner city and the violence that can accompany it, but in the play, these social ills are heard and not seen. The ca st of TheatreWorks current production creates a well-realized, if insular, environment that allows the audience to connect the characters. Wilson has created a compelling story line for each individual, and the fact that most of the stories have happy endings doesnt seem contrived. On the contrary, their successes are representative of African Americans who broke through the color line during the civil rights movement. Even a character like , the diner owner who treats his lone waitress, Risa , as a personal servant, redeems himself through his fight to get the city to pay him what he wants for his building, which is due to be demolished. Memphis plans to use the money to return to Mississippi and confront the white man who ran him off his land decades ago. Memphis story is at once heartrending and uplifting, as is Abdul-Rashids reading of it. Michael McFall plays the key role of Sterling, an ex-con whose anger at not being able to get a leg up in the world is tempered by a youthful exuberance. Its the latter quality that allows Sterling to woo Risa, a beautiful young woman who has scarred her legs to keep away men who want her for her body alone. Brembrys Risa is world-weary in the extreme; she communicates mostly through sighs and piercing glances at whoever is yanking her chain at the moment. Sterling and Risas love story is tender, but McFall is even better when his character befriends Hambone (Don C. Coles), a homeless man. Cheated out of a ham by a white butcher whose fence he painted, Hambone has spent the last nine years trying to collect his payment. His vocabulary has been reduced to a single sentenceI want my ham!and the scenes in which Sterling helps him increase it to include statements like Black is beautiful are extremely powerful. The pride that keeps Hambone in the struggle is the most telling glimpse Wilsons play offers into the shift from civil rights to Black Power. Philosophy

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Extinct Political Parties of the 1800s

Extinct Political Parties of the 1800s The two major political parties of modern America can both trace their origins back to the 19th century. The longevity of the Democrats and Republicans appears quite remarkable when we consider that other parties existed alongside them in the 19th century before fading into history. The extinct political parties of the 1800s include organizations which were successful enough to put candidates in the White House. There were also others that were just doomed to inevitable obscurity. Some of them live on in political lore as oddities, or fads which are difficult to understand today. Yet many thousands of voters did take them seriously and they enjoyed a legitimate moment of glory before disappearing. Here is a listing of some significant political parties which  are no longer with us, in roughly chronological order: Federalist Party The Federalist Party is considered the first American political party. It advocated a strong national government, and prominent Federalists included John Adams and Alexander Hamilton. The Federalists did not build a sustaining party apparatus, and the partys defeat, when John Adams ran for a second term in the election of 1800, led to its decline. It essentially ceased to be a national party after 1816. The Federalists came under considerable criticism as they tended to oppose the War of 1812. Federalist involvement with the 1814  Hartford Convention, in which delegates suggested splitting New England states from the United States, essentially finished the party. (Jeffersonian) Republican Party The Jeffersonian Republican Party, which, of course, supported Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1800, was formed in opposition to the Federalists. The Jeffersonians tended to be more egalitarian than the Federalists. Following Jeffersons two terms in office, James Madison won the presidency on the Republican ticket in 1808 and 1812, followed by James Monroe in 1816 and 1820. The Jeffersonian Republican Party then faded away. The party was not a forerunner of the present day Republican Party. At times it was even called a name which seems contradictory today, the Democratic-Republican Party. National Republican Party The National Republican Party supported John Quincy Adams in his unsuccessful bid for reelection in 1828 (there had been no party designations in the election of 1824). The party also supported Henry Clay in 1832. The general theme of the National Republican Party was opposition to Andrew Jackson and his policies. The National Republicans generally joined the Whig Party in 1834. The National Republican Party was not a forerunner of the Republican Party, which formed in the mid-1850s. Incidentally, during the years of the John Quincy Adams administration, an adept political strategist from New York, future president Martin Van Buren, was organizing an opposition party. The party structure Van Buren created with the intent of making a coalition to elect Andrew Jackson in 1828 became the forerunner of todays Democratic Party. Anti-Masonic Party The Anti-Masonic Party formed in upstate New York in the late 1820s, following the mysterious death of a member of the Masonic order, William Morgan. It was believed that Morgan was killed before he could reveal secrets about the masons and their suspected influence in American politics. The party, while seemingly based on conspiracy theory, gained adherents. The Anti-Masonic Party actually held the first national political convention in America. Its convention in 1831 nominated William Wirt as its presidential candidate in 1832. Wirt was an odd choice, having once been a mason. While his candidacy was not successful, he did carry one state, Vermont, in the electoral college. Part of the appeal of the Anti-Masonic Party was its fiery opposition to Andrew Jackson, who happened to be a mason. The Anti-Masonic Party faded into obscurity by 1836 and its members drifted into the Whig Party, which also opposed the policies of Andrew Jackson. Whig Party The Whig Party was formed to oppose Andrew Jacksons policies and came together in 1834. The party took its name from a British political party which had opposed the king, as the American Whigs said they were opposing King Andrew. The Whig candidate in 1836, William Henry Harrison, lost to the Democrat Martin Van Buren. But Harrison, with his log cabin and hard cider campaign of 1840, won the presidency (though he would only serve for a month). The Whigs remained a major party throughout the 1840s, winning the White House again with Zachary Taylor in 1848. But the party splintered, mainly over the issue of slavery. Some Whigs joined the Know-Nothing Party, and others, most notably Abraham Lincoln, joined the new Republican party in the 1850s. Liberty Party The Liberty Party was organized in 1839 by anti-slavery activists who wanted to take the abolitionist movement and make it a political movement. As most leading abolitionists were adamant about being outside politics, this was a novel concept. The party ran a presidential ticket in 1840 and 1844, with James G. Birney, a former slaveholder from Kentucky as their candidate. The Liberty Party drew meager numbers, garnering only two percent of the popular vote in 1844. It has been speculated that the Liberty Party was responsible for splitting the anti-slavery vote in New York state in 1844, thereby denying the states electoral vote to Henry Clay, the Whig candidate and assuring the election of the slave-owning James Knox Polk. But that assumes Clay would have drawn all the votes cast for the Liberty Party. Free Soil Party The Free Soil Party came into being in 1848 and was organized to oppose the spread of slavery. The partys candidate for president in 1848 was former president Martin Van Buren. Zachary Taylor of the Whig Party won the 1848 presidential election, but the FreeSoil Party did elect two senators and 14 members of the House of Representatives. The motto of the Free Soil Party was Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free Men. After Van Burens defeat in 1848, the party faded and members were eventually absorbed into the Republican Party when it formed in the 1850s. The Know-Nothing Party The Know-Nothing Party emerged in the late 1840s as a reaction to immigration to America. After some success in local elections with campaigns rife with bigotry, former president Millard Fillmore ran as the Know-Nothing candidate for president in 1856. Fillmores campaign was a disaster and the party soon dissolved. Greenback Party The Greenback Party was organized at a national convention held in Cleveland, Ohio in 1875. The formation of the party was prompted by difficult economic decisions, and the party advocated the issuing of paper money not backed by gold. Farmers and workers were the partys natural constituency. The Greenbacks ran presidential candidates in 1876, 1880, and 1884, all of whom were unsuccessful. When economic conditions improved, the Greenback Party faded into history.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Brown University and its Ties to Slavery Research Paper

Brown University and its Ties to Slavery - Research Paper Example This occurred during a time when slavery was considered a normal part of the socio-economic life in New England and Rhode Island, and slaves formed a sizeable population within the states. When Brown University was established, Rhode Island was the main center in trans-Atlantic human trafficking where over a period of 100 years almost 100,000 Africans were forced into slavery. From the Brown report which showed Brown University to have profited from funds that originated from slave trade, it can be assumed that other institutions (which were established around the same era) may have the same past as Brown University. Outline 1. Abstract: Gives a brief summary of the entire paper 2. Introduction: introduces the topic to the reader, giving a brief glimpse of how funds from slave trade and slave related businesses helped to establish American institutions of higher education 3. Background study on American slavery: this segment gives an overview on the slave trade and US slavery that wa s widely prevalent during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. 4. Slavery in New England and Rhode Island: gives a brief review of the slavery in the northern US (New England and Rhode Island) at the time Brown University was established. It helps one understand the socio-economic conditions (as regards slavery) that prevailed in the region when Brown University was established. 5. The Brown University and its link with slavery: this shows how the Brown family was directly involved in slave trading and how money from slave related businesses from other donors went into establishing the University, thus forging a link that tied the University’s past with slavery. 1 Literature review 1.1 Introduction In a report published by the Brown University in October 2006, there were evidences that showed financial proceedings from slave trade went to establishing the university, while slave labor was used for building the college campus (Johnson, 2006). Historical data suggests that beside s Brown University, a majority of the US’s famous academic institutions for higher studies starting from Harvard University to College of William and Mary were built by slave economy and labor (Wilder, 2010). Reports show that Harvard Law School was established with the help of funds that came in from selling slaves to the Caribbean sugar plantations in the Caribbean (Puryear, 2006). The library of the Yale University was founded from donations made by slave owners and traders, while the University of Virginia was designed and funded by Thomas Jefferson (a slave owner), and slave labor was used to build the University complex (Puryear, 2006). In fact, the economy that was derived from slave trade helped to shape the financial future of many American higher educational institutions while influencing politics of institution affected educational culture and curricula within the then new American republic (Wilder, 2010). Commercial trade in slavery (also known as the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Livvie by Eudora Welty Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Livvie by Eudora Welty - Term Paper Example (Allen, 1999, p.35) The story in question, Livvie, has won both critical as well as popular acclaim. The story, in essence is the resurrection of the main characters life, from the realm of death. This is reflected in the outer atmosphere, where the season transits to spring. The story revolves around the nuptial life of Livvie, who is married to a much older man, Solomon. Although the married life provides some personal security and regularity, it lacks in passion. This makes her feel that she is entraped in the relationship. One of the people whom she meets outside her domestic setting is Cash, the young farm worker, who offers Livvie an escape from the boredom of her marriage. But thereby, she takes the risk of abandoning the safety and security provided by the husband and entering an outside world where passion may be discovered at the cost of losing orderliness. While this sort of conflict had been well-explored and presented by many feminist writers of the last century, Eudora Weltys offering is not so much distinguished by the narrative method but by the storys thematic structure which is â€Å"far more complex and subtly adjusted to the ambiguities of actual human experience" (Claxton, 2005, p.78). The story is also remarkable for the motifs it employs to depict the inner spiritual journey. As Welty has stated in interviews, she took inspiration from medieval texts such as the Book of Hours for the writing of the story. For example, the Book of Hours emphasis on seasonal changes is analogous to to the cycles of human life that is pondered over in Livvie. There is also a similarity between the characterization of Livvie and the historical fictional character Persephone, in that both characters journey forth to the surface of the earth, and avert death through the renewal of spring. (Allen, 1999, p.35) In Livvie, Welty also subtly mocks the respectable Christian image of Solomon, who is portrayed as an old man with

Monday, January 27, 2020

Role of the Brand in Developing Customer Loyalty

Role of the Brand in Developing Customer Loyalty INTRODUCTION 1.1 Nature of Assignment  · My project is about â€Å"The Role of Brand in the Development of Customer Loyalty†.  · Its the part of MBA and it is the requirement of my institute, â€Å"THE UNIVERSITY OF WALES†, for the completion of our degree.  · The purpose of project is to determine the role of brand in the development of customer loyalty. After completion of this project I can easily understand that how brand helps in the development of customer loyalty.  · I am doing work on this project to collect data and other relevant information to build a relation between role of brand and customer loyalty and to prove that brand plays an important role in the development of customer loyalty.  · It is my project which is being supervised by a senior person allocated by my institute.  · In order to make my project more reliable field data will also be collected and analyzed.  · Data from the pre-research on this topic will also be studied to make my project well designed and easily understandable.  · From the company point of view my research work will be helpful to understand the relationship between brand and customer loyalty. 1.2 The Rationale for this Study * Literature review has proved that customer loyalty affects by brand. * Different work on this topic has been done which is in chapter# 2. * It is a moralize agreement that brand affects customer loyalty. * I will try to test this claim that the role of brand in the development of customer loyalty with the help of this project using primary and secondary research. * In UK context it would be useful contribution towards this field. * This research will be helpful in understanding the role of brand in the development of customer loyalty. * In local environment findings from this project will be used in number of groups including companies, scholars and also researchers. 1.3 Brand In marketing, a brand is a collection of feelings toward an economic producer. Feelings are created by the accumulation of experiences with the brand, both directly relating to its use, and through the influence of advertising, design, and media commentary. A brand is a symbolic embodiment of all the information connected to a company, product or service. A brand serves to create associations and expectations among products made by a producer. A brand often includes an explicit logo, fonts, color schemes, symbols, which are developed to represent implicit values, ideas, and even personality. Concepts Some marketers distinguish the psychological aspect of a brand from the experiential aspect. The experiential aspect consists of the sum of all points of contact with the brand and is known as the brand experience. The psychological aspect, sometimes referred to as the brand image, is a symbolic construct created within the minds of people and consists of all the information and expectations associated with a product or service. The nicest approach to brand building considers the conceptual structure of brands, businesses and people. 1.4 Brand Loyalty Brand loyalty is the ultimate goal a company sets for a branded product. Brand loyalty is a consumers preference to buy a particular brand in a product category. It occurs because consumers perceive that the brand offers the right product features, images, or level of quality at the right price. This perception becomes the foundation for a new buying habit. Basically, consumers initially will make a trial purchase of the brand and, after satisfaction, tend to form habits and continue purchasing the same brand because the product is safe and familiar. Brand loyalists have the following mindset: * â€Å"I am committed to this brand.† * â€Å"I am willing to pay a higher price for this brand over other brands.† * â€Å"I will recommend this brand to others.† Importance of Brand Loyalty There are three main reasons why brand loyalty is important: Higher Sales Volume The average United States Company loses half of its customers every five years, equating to a 13% annual loss of customers. This statistic illustrates the challenges companies face when trying to grow in competitive environments. Achieving even 1% annual growth requires increasing sales to customers, both existing and new, by 14%. Reducing customer loss can dramatically improve business growth and brand loyalty, which leads to consistent and even greater sales since the same brand is purchased repeatedly. Premium Pricing Ability Studies show that as brand loyalty increases, consumers are less sensitive to price changes. Generally, they are willing to pay more for their preferred brand because they perceive some unique value in the brand that other alternatives do not provide. Additionally, brand loyalists buy less frequently on cents-off deals these promotions only subsidize planned purchases. Retain Rather than Seek Brand loyalists are willing to search for their favorite brand and are less sensitive to competitive promotions. The result is lower costs for advertising, marketing and distribution. Specifically, it costs four to six times as much to attract a new customer as it does to retain an old one. 1.5 Customer Loyalty When a consumer finds that a particular brand is delivering the best products and services for him and that brands solves his problems with their products, he begins to identify that brand with a certain quality and develops a loyalty for it. In fact, if you have a customer who is committed to your brand, chances are that he will choose your product or service over the others that are available in the market. Customer loyalty plays a major role in making your business successful. If you are capable of retaining as much as 5% of your old customer base, then your business can grow up to 75%. Another great thing about your old customers who rely on you is that they will tell their friends, family and acquaintances about your products and services. In this manner, your business will get the best kind of advertising possible. Similarly, a customer who does not like your products might do some negative marketing for you, so you need to be on your toes and ensure that all your customers are satisfied with you. This will help you convert your prospective customers to your clients. 1.6 The Role of Brand in the Development of Customer Loyalty In order to keep your old customer base alive and loyal towards your brand. You need to have something unique about your brand. If you are able to have a unique feature that your customers love, then chances are that your customers will stick to your company and even tell others about it. The key is to develop this USP or Unique Selling Point in order to entice the customers and keep them loyal. If your customer is aware of your USP and benefits from it, you will get a brand loyalty that will be enough to keeps your business booming. Customer loyalty is more than simple repurchasing, however. Customers may repurchase a brand due to situational constraints, a lack of viable alternatives, or out of convenience. Such loyalty is referred to as spurious loyalty. True brand loyalty exists when customers have a high relative attitude toward the brand which is then exhibited through repurchase behavior. This type of loyalty can be a great asset to the firm. Customers are willing to pay higher prices, they may cost less to serve, and can bring new customers to the firm. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW To determine the role of brand in the development of customer loyalty some articles have been studied. After studying these articles we came to know that how much research has been done by different persons on this topic. Previous research putts light on different kinds of factors related to development of customer loyalty that how customer loyalty can be measured and how properly or effectively brand can be managed and implemented. And what models can be used to make a particular brand more successful. Previous research also explains that what factors are responsible for the decline of a brand. So we came to know about loyalty that a customers loyalty can be determined by studying that how repetitively customer make purchasing of products of a particular brand when some others alternatives are available to customers. Several studies have been conducted in this area following are the list of some key articles and a brief description will be given following. 2.1 Summaries of Articles 1st article is about Brand Loyalty which is being studied by Nancy Giddens, Agricultural Extension Value Added Marketing Specialist. Brand Loyalty has been proclaimed by some to be the ultimate goal of marketing. In marketing, brand loyalty consists of a consumers commitment to repurchase the brand and can be demonstrated by repeated buying of a product or service or other positive behaviors such as word of mouth advocacy. True brand loyalty implies that the consumer is willing, at least on occasion, to put aside their own desires in the interest of the brand. Brand loyalty is more than simple repurchasing, however. Customers may repurchase a brand due to situational constraints, a lack of viable alternatives, or out of convenience. Such loyalty is referred to as spurious loyalty. True brand loyalty exists when customers have a high relative attitude toward the brand which is then exhibited through repurchase behavior. This type of loyalty can be a great asset to the firm: customers are willing to pay higher prices, they may cost less to serve, and can bring new customers to the firm. For example, if Joe has brand loyalty to Company A he will purchase Company As products even if Company Bs are cheaper and/or of a higher quality. This article is about decline of brands by James Surowiecki. The truth is weve always overestimated the power of branding while underestimating consumers ability to recognize quality. When brands first became important in the US a century ago, it was because particular products Pillsbury flour or Morton salt offered far more reliability and quality than no-name goods. Similarly, many (and arguably most) of the important brands in American history Gillette or Disney became successful not because of clever marketing, but because they offered something you couldnt get anywhere else. (Gillette made the best razors; Disney made the best animated movies.) Even Nike first became popular because it made superior running shoes. Marketers looked at these companies and said they were succeeding because their brands were strong. In reality, the brands were strong because the companies were succeeding. Over time, certain brands came to connote quality. They did provide a measure of insurance which in turn made firms less innovative and less rigorous. (Think of the abominable cars General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler made in the late 1960s through the 1970s remember the Pinto? in part because they assumed that they had customers for life.) That sense of protection is eroding in industry after industry, and instead of a consumer economy in which success is determined in large part by name, its now being determined by performance. The aristocracy of brand is dead. Long live the meritocracy of product. This article is about customer engagement by Richard Sedley. Customer Engagement refers to the engagement of customers with one another, with a company or a brand. The initiative for engagement can be both consumer- or company-led and the medium of engagement can be on or offline. A customers degree of engagement with a company lies in a continuum that represents the strength of his investment in that company. Positive experiences with the company strengthen that investment and move the customer down the line of engagement. This article is about Brand Engagement by Watson Wyatt. Brand Engagement is a term loosely used to describe the process of forming an attachment (emotional and rational) between a person and a brand. It comprises one aspect of brand management. What makes the topic complex is that brand engagement is partly created by institutions and organizations, but is equally created by the perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of those with whom these institutions and organizations are communicating or engaging with. As a relatively new addition to the marketing and communication mix, brand engagement sits in the space between marketing, advertising, media communication, social media, organizational development, internal communications and human resource management This article is on Brand management by Neil H. McElroy. Brand management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. It seeks to increase the products perceived value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchise and brand equity. Marketers see a brand as an implied promise that the level of quality people have come to expect from a brand will continue with future purchases of the same product. This may increase sales by making a comparison with competing products more favorable. It may also enable the manufacturer to charge more for the product. The value of the brand is determined by the amount of profit it generates for the manufacturer 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research methodology will be discussed in the following section. 3.1 Theoretical Framework The dependent variable, customer loyalty of branded casual wear companies depend upon two independent variables which are price and awareness. Most of the people in Pakistan belong to middle class and they prefer to buy products of low price with good quality. So poor quality of these companies has affected its sale as well as customer loyalty. We know that awareness of any product plays an important role to increase or decrease the customer loyalty. The quality and comfort of branded products are close to local brands. Similarly the awareness of the branded casual wearing is low because of less impressive advertisement. So, it is clear that the sale and customer loyalty is low because of high price and unawareness. 3.2 Research Objectives Following are the objectives of this study: 1. To determine the importance of branding in creating customer loyalty. 2. To identify the characteristics of a brand that help in brand loyalty. 3. To investigate the reasons for brand preference. 4. How brand loyalty can be developed? 5. What makes the customer loyal? 6. To make recommendations for developing customer loyalty through branding. 3.3 Operationalization Customer Loyalty In this, we will measure the customer loyalty whether the people are buying it or not and why. We have price and awareness as an independent variable and we will measure customer loyalty for different types of the branded casual wearing. Awareness Awareness is an independent variable and we will measure it by the following indicators: i) By asking the people whether they are aware or not. ii) If yes, then from which media vehicle they became aware of it e.g. Newspapers, Magazines, T.V, Radio, Bill boards, word of mouth etc. Methodology Used To perform this task, research was conducted in such a way that reflected the awareness towards branded casual wearing. The primary source of data collection was used and the instrument for data collection was personally administered Questionnaire. This questionnaire was administered personally due to sampling information, administrative control, and helping the respondents in answering technical questions. The population of the research consists of ultimate consumers. Therefore Convenience Sampling technique was used. 3.4 Research Design The purpose of this research was to establish the relationship between independent variables high price awareness and the dependent variable customer loyalty. This is a field study because it examined the relationship between the variables. For this purpose questionnaire was developed to get response of the people. Neither the variables were controlled nor was artificial setting created for the study. The unit of analysis for this study is an individual and tool of data collection is questionnaire. For data collection we have used convenience sampling technique. Procedure Used Standardized questionnaire was designed for consumers. The questionnaire was developed in order to make it comprehensive, so as to enable the researcher to collect all needed information from consumers. The questionnaires was distributed and filled in by the consumers. Methods of Data Collection Population consisting of people who are using the branded casual wears were considered for the collection of data. Survey questionnaire was thus used to collect data from respondents in different areas and University of the Central Punjab. Tool for Data Collection Tool to collect data was survey questionnaire which was very carefully designed. It consisted of all the types of questions i.e. dichotomous questions and multiple choices. So as to acquire in depth knowledge from the consumers about the research problem. After preparation of questionnaire, it was shown to kind teacher for changes in it. Pre-testing After developing and getting it approved, 5 copies of the questionnaire were filled out by the senior students of the University. The respondents faced only few problems which were then replaced and made it easier and comprehensive. After pre-testing 50 copies were again distributed among the public and students. Sampling Techniques We have selected the samples which gave maximum representatives of target market. These samples gave more reliable and accurate information because they are end users of branded casual wears and can provide better information about research problem. Nature of the Study The research study was applied research because it was performed to find solution of problem. Why customer loyalty of branded casual wears is lower. After finding solution of problem, companies implement it to rectify problem situation. Purpose of Study The research has two main purpose first purpose is aimed at to be completed as a requirement of course. Second purpose was to study the impact of important factors that affect customer loyalty of branded casual wears. Some of important factors to be studied were: * Demographic factors like age, income occupation * Quality * Price * Brand name * Availability * Advertisement All these factors were studied to find out all possible ways to maintain and to improve factors such as availability, quality, price, advertisement etc. Study Setting This is a field study because it examined attitude and behavior of the people towards low demand for branded casual wears. For this purpose we had surveyed different areas and got filled in the questionnaires from students. Variables were neither controlled nor manipulated and no artificial setting was created for the study. Time Horizon The data for this research was collected over one month period. Field Work We had 50 sample sizes. We went to the commercial and business areas to fill this questionnaire. The areas consisted of Green heith markets and white city commercial markets. During our field work, we faced a few problems like negative responses from the respondents. Some of the persons hesitated refused to fill questionnaire. But we faced all problems boldly as a good researcher. 3.5 LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH STUDY Our research has following limitations: 1) Lack of time 2) Cost for collecting data. 3) Sample size is small. 4. ANALYSIS OF SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE, INTERPRETATION OF DATA AND TABULATION REPRESENTATION TABLE NO.1 Do you prefer branded clothes? Response Frequency %age Yes 41 82% No 9 18%_ Total 50 100__ According to our analysis 82% respondents preferred branded clothes while 18% respondents out of our selected samples did not prefer branded clothes. So our analysis shows that majority of the people prefer branded clothes. TABLE NO.2 Brand is important for which item of clothing? Items Frequency %age Shirt 10 20% Jeans 22 44% Casual wears 18 36% Total 50 100% 20% of respondents preferred branded shirts, 44% of respondents preferred branded jeans while 36% of respondents preferred branded casual wears. So according to our analysis its clear that majority of people prefer branded jeans. TABLE NO.03 Why do you prefer branded clothes? Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total High Quality 24 (48%) 18 (36%) 6 (12%) 2(4%) 50 Comfort 26 (52%) 15 (30%) 8 (16%) 1 (2%) 50 Durability 25 (50%) 18 (36%) 5 (10%) 2 (4%) 50 This graph shows that 48% respondents are strongly agreed, 36% respondents are agreed, 12% respondents are disagreed and 4% respondents are strongly disagreed that they prefer branded clothes due to high quality. 52% respondents are strongly agreed, 30% respondents are agreed, 16% respondents are disagreed and 2% respondents are strongly disagreed that they prefer branded clothes due to comfort. 50% respondents are strongly agreed, 36% respondents are agreed, 10% respondents are disagreed and 4% respondents are strongly disagreed that they prefer branded clothes due to durability. So majority of people prefer branded clothes due to comfort. TABLE NO.04 Which of the following element is important for your choice of the branded item? Elements Frequency %age Product features 31 62% Price 14 28% Promotion 04 08% Placement 01 02% Total 50 100_ This graph shows that 62% respondents preferred product features, 28% respondents preferred price, 8%respondents preferred promotion and 2% preferred placement for the choice of branded items. So our analysis shows that product feature is the most important element for the choice of branded items. TABLE NO.05 Approximately, how many times do you buy your clothes? Buying Period Frequency %age Once a week 02 04% Once every 2 weeks 00 00% Once a month 08 16% At the beginning of season 10 20% During the sales period 00 00% During the Christmas Festivities 00 00% As the need arise 15 30% Occasionally 13 26% Rarely 02 04% Others 0 00% Total 50 100% This graph shows that 30% respondents are used to buy clothes as the need arises. So majority of people go to buy clothes as the need arises. TABLE NO.06 From where do you usually buy clothes? By the use of Frequency %age Catalogues 05 10% Magazines 07 14% Internet 03 06% Open Market 35 70%__ Total 50 100%_ Above graph shows that 70% of respondents prefer to buy from open market. 6% respondents through internet, 14% respondents use magazine and 10% respondents use catalogues to buy clothes. So majority of people go to buy clothes from open market. TABLE NO.07 How influential is advertising in your purchase of branded wears? Advertising Frequency %age Very Influential 09 18% Influential 22 44% Slightly Influential 10 20% Not Influential 07 14% Dont Know 02 04%_ Total 50 100__ Above graph shows that 18% of respondents are much influenced, 44% are influenced, 20% are slightly influenced, 14% are not influenced by advertising to purchase branded clothes while 4% of respondents do not know about it. So our analysis shows that majority of people are influenced by advertising to purchase branded clothes. TABLE NO.08 If a company wants to advertise to you, which of the following medium would be most effective in gaining consumers? Medium Frequency %age TV 24 48% Radio 00 00% Magazines 10 20% Newspaper 01 02% Billboards 11 22% Internet 03 06% Others 01 02% Total 50 100% 48% respondents told that T.V is the most effective advertising media. So our analysis shows that majority of people are influenced by advertising through T.V. TABLE NO.09 How influential is a celebrity endorsement in your decision to purchase branded clothes? Celebrity Frequency %age Very Influential 05 10 Influential 15 30 Slightly Influential 13 26 Not Influential 12 24 Dont Know 05 10 Total 50 100 30% respondents told that they are influenced by a celebrity to make their decisions to purchase branded clothes. So our analysis shows that branded clothes should be advertised through a celebrity. TABLE NO.10 How influential are other consumers opinions of a brand in your perception of that brand? Other Consumers Opinion Frequency %age Very Influential 14 28 Influential 19 38 Slightly Influential 12 24 Not Influential 02 4 Dont Know 03 6 Total 50 100 This graph shows that 38% respondents are influenced by other peoples opinion. So company should achieve more and more market reputation. Table No.11 When buying clothes, you: Buying clothes Frequency %age Go directly in a particular shop 31 62 Go round in various shops 19 38 Total 50 100.00 62% respondents go directly to purchase branded clothes in a particular shop while 38% respondents go round in various shops. So a company should have more physical outlets to capture market. Table No.12 How would you rate the following statements? Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree I wear only well known brands 6 30 9 5 I buy clothes depending on their colors 8 31 6 5 I buy styles that suit me rather than what is fashionable 15 31 3 1 I only buy the style that my friends wear 3 15 23 9 I only buy the latest fashion as long as they suit me 16 20 12 2 I create my own fashion rather than follow it 4 27 14 5 I tend to stick to classic styles that wont date 1 26 19 4 I wear only clothes that are widely available 1 21 23 5 I hate going round for clothes and I let others buy my clothes 2 25 14 9 I search for sales and low prices 18 12 10 10 30 respondents out of 50 are agreed that they wear only well known branded clothes, 31 respondents are agreed that they buy clothes depending on their colors, 31 respondents are agreed that they buy styles that suit them rather than what is fashionable. 23 respondents are disagreed that they only buy the style that their friends wear. 20 respondents are agreed that they only buy the latest fashion as long as they suit them. 27 respondents are agreed that they create their own fashion rather than follow it. 26 respondents are agreed that they tend to stick to classic styles that wont date. 23 respondents are disagreed that they wear only clothes that are widely available. 25 respondents are agreed that they hate going round for clothes and they let others buy their clothes. 18 respondents are strongly agreed that they search for sales and low prices. Table No.13 How important would you rate the following factors in influencing the choice of clothes purchased? Almost Always Sometimes Rarely Never Fashion Magazines 8 20 11 11 Beauty Magazines 6 10 14 20 Television 18 13 15 4 Radio 9 13 14 14 Newspapers 10 25 7 8 Billboards 9 33 8 0 Cinema 8 15 8 19 Promotional Leaflets 3 20 10 17 Internet 17 12 15 6 Others 0 0 0 0 Majority of people are influenced by fashion magazines, T.V, news paper, billboards, promotional leaflets and internet while they are not influenced by beauty magazines, radio and cinema to make the choice of branded clothes. So a company should focus to advertise through T.V and billboards. TABLE NO.14 Do you think that wearing branded clothes would reflect? Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Confidence 32 17 1 0 Superior Image 14 29 5 2 Exclusivity 13 32 5 0 Snob Appeal 11 28 9 2 32 respondents are strongly agreed that wearing branded clothes show level of confidence, 29 respondents are agreed that wearing branded clothes reflect superior image. 32 respondents are agreed that branded clothes reflect exclusivity and 28 respondents told that its a snob appeal. So our analysis shows that majority of people purchase branded clothes due to high level of confidence, superior image, exclusivity and snob appeal. TABLE NO.15 Criteria used for the selection of specific brand? Selection Criteria Frequency %age Well known brand name 24 48% Brand shows the quality 18 36% Brand offers incentives 08 16% Total 50 100% The graph and its analysis show that criteria used for selection of specific brand is well known brand name. TABLE NO.16 Which brand is preferred by customer? Preferred Brand Frequency %age Offer more services 10 20% High price with high quality 26 52% Low price with high quality 14 28%_ Total 50 100% 52% respondents told that only that brand is preferred which provides high quality with high price. So a company should mainly focus on high quality. TABLE NO.17 What attracts you more to select a specific brand? Attraction Frequency %age More advertisement 06 12 Market reputation 11 22 Existing customers satisfaction 33 66 Total 50 100 66% respondents told that existing customers satisfaction attracts more to select a specific brand. So majority of people are influenced by existing customers opinion. TABLE NO.18 Why most people prefer local brand? Attraction Frequency %age Less price 26 52 Easy availability 6 12 Same features like imported brand 18 36 Total 50 100 This graph shows that most of the people prefer branded clothes due to less price. TABLE NO.19 Local brand captures market due to Attraction Frequency %age